P7h55-m Lx Driver For Mac

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  1. Asus P7h55 M Lx Drivers

Nov 21, 2010  Re: [Guide] Asus P7H55-M Pro (Asus Essentio CG5275 model) Hello All! Wacom ft-0203-u driver for mac. I have tested over the weekend, an Asus P7H55-M machine with Core i5, 8GB of RAM, onboard video.Its the ASUS Essentio CG5275 which we got from the local best buy store for about $699. If you has any Drivers Problem, Just download driver detection tool, this professional drivers tool will help you fix the driver problem for Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP. Here is the list of ASUS P7H55-M LX Motherboard Drivers we have for you.

Asus P7h55 M Lx Drivers

Hi, after many tries I found an optimal configuration for this motherboard, plus other tips useful for everyone, and I want to share my knowledge.
My pc is has an Asus P7H55-Pro motherboard with Core i3 530, an external GraphicsBoard Asus GeForce (EN)9800GT PCI-E 1gb, and 6(3x2)GB of DDR3 RAM.
These are the steps I did to get all working:
1. Used iBoot to install Snow Leopard Retail, specified only busratio=22 at boot.
2. Run EasyBeast 10.6.0, reboot. To avoid kp, I don't know why, but needed all this options at boot: arch=i386 cpus=1 maxmem=4096 busratio=22.
The Graphics Card was working in Framebuffer mode, only 1024x768, no QE/CI, no Preview,Grab,etc. Sound card worked with VoodooHDA.
3. Installed NVEnabler, VoodooHDA, removed GraphicsEnabler=Yes, rebooted, and the card was working with QE/CI and all resolutions!
4. Updated to 10.6.2 (or 10.6.3, same behaviour), run EasyBeast 10.6.2 unsupported, corrected options in com.apple.boot.plist, reboot. The graphics card was not recognized anymore! Only a blue screen. Used iBoot again, removed NVEnabler and tried all combinations with GraphicsEnabler=Yes/No, the max I got was 1024x768, NO QE/CI!
5. Then I reinstalled EasyBeast 10.6.0, NVEnabler, and got QE/CI back. So the problem is EasyBeast 10.6.2unsup, and/or the kernel.
@Tonymac: what specific kernel does it install? Does it install kext/patches other than those mentioned in the description? (i.e. System.kext)
6. Then I wanted to try another kernel. I installed blackknight 10.6.2 patched for AMD. The system was working, full QE/CI again! The only problem is max 4gb of ram.
7. This is for all: after many tryes and readings, I found the -force64 option, specific for this patched kernel, removed arch=i386 and maxmem=4096, and now my system recognize 6gb of ram! Moreover, it does not need cpus=1 anymore, so the 2 cores are also recognized. Finally. insert only -force64 busratio=22 in com.apple.boot.plist.