As400 Db2 Jdbc Driver For Mac
Hi All ,
I am writing Java application to connect to DB2database .
We hear you on the port to Mac OS X. As I mentioned before, we do have Cloudscape as the no charge database server. I also wanted to mention that for Java application development, you can use DB2 Universal JDBC driver on Mac OS X. The DB2 iSeries JDBC driver does not connect directly to the DB2 Server, but to a proxy server which is installed with the DB2 Server. This proxy server can. The DB2 server searches these collections for the DB2 packages for the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver. The precedence rules for the currentPackagePath and currentPackageSet properties follow the precedence rules for the DB2 CURRENT PACKAGESET. To make a connection to DB2 on AS400 using JDBC we need the following values. Host Name or IP Address of The Machine; User Id; Password; Instead of putting the values right into the program its better to soft code them using a properties file. Running on Linux/Mac/Windows/.: use DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System i (extra cost) Running on IBM i: Use native IBM i CLI (free) So, if you're running production on IBM i, even if we added an IBM i Access ODBC driver for Mac OS X, it still wouldn't help you, since the ibm_db driver does not work with the IBM i Access ODBC driver. Db2jcc4.jar - This driver is based on the JDBC 4 or later specifications The db2jcc.jar driver is now deprecated. After version 3.72, which is delivered with DB2 Version 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Modification Pack 1 Fix Pack 1, db2jcc.jar will include no new features.
DB2 database is on AS400 , 05.01.0001
JDBC Driver Version is 6.1 which is on NT.
I am executing a procedure which returns one result set.
Procedure is executing fine because it executeQuery() function does
return valid object of type ResultSet
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When I say rs.next() exception is thrown saying 'CLI0115E Invalid
cursor' .
Does any one know how to solve this problem .
Let me know
Thanks Dell latitude d600 ethernet driver.
Mahendra thombare
import java.sql.*; // JDBC classes
import java.math.*; // BigDecimal
import COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.*; // DB2 UDB JDBC classes
class DB2App2{
System.out.println ();
System.out.println (' Java Stored Procedure Sample');
Class.forName ('COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver').newInstance ();
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println ('n Error loading DB2 Driver..n');
e.printStackTrace ();
public static void main (String [] Arg) throws Exception{
String url = 'jdbc:db2:Q1A_DATA';
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, 'thombam',
String SQL = '{call CRMTEST1.GETPAYHST(?,?)}';
DatabaseMetaData MetaDB = con.getMetaData();
String NativeSql = con.nativeSQL(SQL);
PreparedStatement stm = con.prepareStatement(SQL);
System.out.println('Paramter set OK ');
ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery();
ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData();
System.out.println('Result Set ::::: Class Name :'+rs.getClass
if (rs null){
System.out.println('Fail To execute');
System.out.println('Executed Query OK');
Ibm Db2 Jdbc Driver
int count = 0;
while (rs.next()){
System.out.println(' Counter is :'+count);
System.out.println('Total Rows returned :'+count);
}//end of Main
Db2 Jdbc Driver Download
}//End of DB2Call